Get to know YEP
During our 12-week Youth Empowerment Program, our young adults are guided through sessions on leadership training, practical life skills, resume building, mental health awareness and more. The programs curriculum focuses on obtaining resources and tools to launch each student into a healthy adulthood. These classes help our young adults network and make connections that build social capital.

Develop skills and tools to identify and overcome barriers that are challenging young adults today.

Developing skills on budgeting, saving, and debt management to increase financial independence.

Gain a clear understanding on substance use disorders and knowledge on prevention.

Learning how to have crucial conversations and set boundaries.

What big decision did you make when you were this age?
Young people, ages 16-24 are some of the most vibrant, dynamic and energetic people of humanity. But they are also very vulnerable. During this age they make big decisions that impact the course of their life and can have a huge impact on their families. Young adults tend to experiment and make decisions without understanding consequences. They can also be involved with high-risk behavior, susceptible to criminal offenses and substance abuse. We provide tools and resources for the young adults in our program to learn how to make better decisions for their future.

It's not just about getting a "job."
Young adults need to be reminded that they are valuable to their family & community. Young adults are often misunderstood and mistrusted in their family and community. In our program we remind them that they have value and worth beyond making a paycheck. We are committed to leadership and character development. We help our participants find healthy workplaces that will help launch them into independence and to develop a strategy to live out a purpose filled life. Our program is designed for them to explore what success means for their life.

Youth Education Coordinator
Meet James Ribeiro our new Youth Education Coordinator. He recently moved from Vermont to Colorado. James has a drive to empower young adults and can’t wait to start the next YEP class.
Connect with James
Email: James@Cupcolorado.org
Youth Empowerment Program
12 week course
Next session starting the week of Feb 24th
2.5-Hour Sessions
Classes are one night a week at 5:30-8:00 pm
Young Adults can choose one of the two provided locations
Reunion Coffee House
Greyhound Grounds Coffee House
Meal Provided
A time for fellowship and having a meal together.
Monetary Stipend
Each student receives a stipend when they attend class that night.
Teaching life skills, social skills with guest speakers.
Classes are provided at
Reunion Coffee House or Greyhound Coffee House
Pick the location that best suites your schedule

Reunion Coffee House
YEP Class
10601 Reunion Pkwy, Commerce City, CO 80022
This Class is Full!

Greyhound Grounds
Coffee House
YEP Class
Classes held every Wednesday
Next Session starting on February 26th
6230 Glencoe St, Commerce City, CO 80022

Meets SOME not all of these points:
Is 16-24 years old
Lives in the Adams County area
Going through challenging times, overwhelm or feels stuck
Young adult lacking sense of direction
Overwhelmed to find their first job
Struggling to grow from entry level jobs
Has been job hopping
Young Adult who struggles with social anxiety
Is a young parent
Doesn't have access to supportive adults or mentors
A young adult of great character who is ready to learn and grow into their purpose
Nominate a young adult by clicking below.
Donate to the Youth Empowerment Program
With your support we are educating and helping our young adults gain experiences to help launch them into their purpose
Community Uplift Partnership does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status in its programs or in the operation of Reunion Coffee House. This includes, but is not limited to, participants in its programs, hiring and firing of staff at Reunion Coffee House, selection of volunteers and vendors or provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of staff, clients, volunteers, participants, subcontractors, vendors and customers.
Community Uplift Partnership is an equal opportunity employer at Reunion Coffee House and in its programs. We will not discriminate and will take affirmative action measures against discrimination in employment, recruitment, advertisements for employment, compensation, termination, upgrading, promotions, and other conditions of employment or participation against any employee, participant or job applicant on the bases of race, color, gender, national origin, age, religion, creed, disability, veteran’s status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, at Reunion Coffee House and in our programs.
It is our dedicated pursuit to create an environment of diversity, equity, and inclusivity. CUP will give every participant, regardless of social determinants, the opportunity to engage in our program’s support services to the extent of their choice and comfort regardless of faith. Respect for inclusivity helps to encourage a shared experience culturally and allows participants to make personal decisions about their voluntary participation with CUP. The leadership of CUP will continue to lead with a quiet, humble spirit and always offer participants the option to walk the path of their choice.
"If no one told you they believe in you today, I believe in you"